Health ‘There’s no treatment if you don’t know what you’re treating’ Patricia Musolino, an assistant professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School, and David Sweetser, principal investigator of the Undiagnosed…
Health and Medicine
Health U.S. men die nearly six years before women, reflecting largest gap since 1996 Victoria Colliver UCSF Communications November 13, 2023 3 min read Analysis finds COVID-19 and ‘deaths of…
Health Benefits of work-life balance extend to heart health, study suggests Maya Brownstein Harvard Chan School Communications November 8, 2023 4 min read Intervention benefits older, lower-wage workers at higher…
Health Research shows working out gets inflammation-fighting T cells moving Ekaterina Pesheva HMS Communications November 3, 2023 6 min read Activated by regular exercise, immune cells in muscles found to…
Professor of Psychology Mark L. Hatzenbuehler teaches a course on stigmas, asking students to choose a stigma for a semester-long investigation. Kris Snibbe/Harvard Staff Photographer Health How being stigmatized can…
Health Hot yoga potent antidepressant in study MGH Communications October 23, 2023 3 min read Adults in clinical trial experienced 50% reduction in symptoms; 44% considered in remission In a…
Health Erasing reminders of stigmatizing, traumatic past Med School-MGH dermatologists use lasers to remove gang, trafficking tattoos Alvin Powell Harvard Staff Writer October 23, 2023 8 min read In her…
Health Worries about depressed men and IVF are unfounded Kira Sampson Brigham and Women’s Communications October 20, 2023 3 min read No evidence that medications interfere with outcomes In-vitro fertilization…
Health Study finds link between breastfeeding, rise in adult colorectal cancer risk Mothers should not halt practice, which offers many benefits to infants, as much more research still needed, scientists…
Health You think you’re fighting your anxiety, but you’re making it worse Psychologist David H. Rosmarin discusses his new book “Thriving with Anxiety.” Kris Snibbe/Harvard Staff Photographer Alvin Powell Harvard…